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All Area Counties Will Use Master Matrix In Animal Confinement Evaluation

Eighty-nine of Iowa’s 99 counties have once again notified the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) of their plans to evaluate construction permit applications and proposed animal confinement locations using the master matrix. This includes all area counties as those not using the matrix are: Davis, Des Moines, Keokuk, Lee, Mahaska, Osceola, Plymouth, Wapello, Warren and Washington. Those counties who have adopted the master matrix can provide more input to producers on site selection and proposed structures as well as facility management. The county scores each master matrix submitted and can recommend the DNR approve or deny a construction permit. They can also join in DNR visits to a proposed confinement site. While all counties may submit comments to the DNR during the permitting process, counties that have adopted the master matrix can also appeal a preliminary permit to the state Environmental Protection Commission. Each year there is a Jan. 31 deadline for enrollment.