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Carroll Supervisors Accept $2.8 Million Bid To Widen Stretch Of Olympic Avenue

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors accepted a bid for the widening and resurfacing of 10.1 miles of Olympic Avenue, south from the east side of Carroll through Willey and Dedham. County Engineer, Zac Andersen, says they received five bids in total.

This bid from the Ottumwa company was below the project estimate, but Andersen says this was not the lowest bid received.

Andersen describes the type of work that will be done this summer.

There will be eight inches of material taken out of the shoulders and the asphalt base will be put in during that process as the first step in the project. The latest start date would be after July Fourth. Andersen says he is guessing it will be earlier in the summer than that and that Norris Asphalt Paving will want to get started much sooner.

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