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Carroll Supervisors Set Max Levy, But Want Residents To Know This Is Not The Full Picture

At a recent Carroll County Board of Supervisor meeting, a public hearing was held to set the maximum tax levy rate for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. At the county level, two rates were presented and the maximum was set at 3.5 percent per $1,000 of taxable value for the general basic tax rate and at 3.95 percent maximum for the rural basic tax rate. County Auditor, Kourtney, Irlbeck, says no comments were received prior to the public hearing and none were made during. However, she and Chair, Gene Meiners, wanted to stress to all county residents the fact that this maximum does not project the actual rates that include the debt service and mental health levies. In a resolution that was unanimously approved, the maximum property tax dollars were set to not exceed $4,879,219 for general county services and $2,537,024 for rural county services. The supervisors will hold a public hearing on the FY22 proposed budget on Monday, March 15 at 9:30 a.m., and the levy rates set in that document have general basic at just over 3.17 percent for general county services and at slightly more than 3.29 percent for rural county services. A copy of that proposed budget can be found below and comments or questions can be emailed to The public hearing can be viewed on the county’s YouTube channel, a link to which is also included here.




YouTube channel for Carroll County Board of Supervisors: