Wall Lake city officials are notifying their natural gas customers of an increase to monthly bills for the next year in an effort to minimize the impact of a massive spike in gas prices during February’s prolonged cold snap. According to Clerk, Chris Rodman, their municipally owned utility generally buys around three-quarters of their natural gas needs in advance and fills the remaining demand off the spot market. Due to freezing temperature in Texas from Feb. 12 through 17, market prices shot way up. Rodman says last month’s expenses nearly quadrupled.
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Rodman says some residential customers could have seen bills rise to as much as $1,000 if these costs were passed on directly in a single bill. Instead, the city will cover 25 percent of the cost increase by using funds from their cash reserves with the remaining 75 percent paid by customers through March 2022 by adjusting the price per unit.
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Rodman adds the expenses will vary from person to person based on usage, and customers will need to reach out to the city for more information.
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Wall Lake City Hall is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached by telephone at 712-664-2216. Nearly all municipally owned natural gas utilities in Iowa are grappling with the same issue. Sac City released a statement earlier this week indicating their customers should also expect modest increases. Iowans unsure of their ability to pay higher-than-usual bills are encouraged to contact their supplier directly to arrange payment plans if necessary.