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Gov. Reynolds Issues Statement Following Deaths Of Correctional Facility Employees At Anamosa State Penitentiary

Gov. Kim Reynolds has issued a statement regarding the deaths of two correctional facility employees following an assault this (Tuesday) morning. Reynolds says, “Our state grieves the loss of two public servants who were attacked while on duty at the Anamosa State Penitentiary. My prayers and deepest condolences are with their families, friends, and colleagues as they begin to cope with this senseless tragedy. We will exhaust every available resource to deliver justice to those who committed this act and bring a sense of closure and peace to the victims’ families” Reynolds indicated she will issue an order to fly flags at half-staff on the dates of internment and more details will be released as that date draws nearer. According to the Iowa Department of Corrections, the incident began at approximately 10:15 a.m. when an inmate attacked staff members and other inmates in the facility’s infirmary. The names of the individuals involved have not been released. The incident remains under investigation by the Division of Criminal Investigation and Iowa Department of Corrections.