lang="en-US"> Lake View City Council Contracts With Engineering Firm To Complete Water System Study – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Lake View City Council Contracts With Engineering Firm To Complete Water System Study

The Lake View City Council has approved an agreement with a West Des Moines engineering firm to complete a study on the community’s water supply lines. Administrator, Scott Peterson, says there are two reasons the city council is moving forward with a $3,100 contract with Veenstra & Kimm, the first being economic development at the Evapco campus on the northeast edge of town.

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The city council recently annexed the 36 acres adjacent to Evapco’s current location in preparation for the anticipated expansion project, and Peterson says the city is just trying to make that effort proceed as smoothly as possible. Full details on the company’s plans have not been released. According to Peterson, the second motive behind the study is to determine if they can improve water pressures for residents and businesses on the western half of town.

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Peterson expects the firm will return the results of their study to the council sometime over the next several weeks. He says the council will then have to decide how they wish to proceed.

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Preliminary cost estimates will be included in Veenstra & Kimm’s report, but Peterson says they really do not have a good guess as to where their numbers will end up as of right now. With an economic development motive behind the proposed water improvements, Peterson expects the council to move forward with at least a portion of the firms recommendations.