lang="en-US"> Construction On Carroll County Jail Remains On Track As Supervisors And Sheriff’s Office Continue Operational Planning – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Construction On Carroll County Jail Remains On Track As Supervisors And Sheriff’s Office Continue Operational Planning

Construction on the new Carroll County jail remains on track for July or August completion. The supervisors and Sheriff’s Office continue to work on construction and operational items. One of these includes a new contractual agreement with Calhoun County for housing of prisoners. According to Sheriff, Ken Pingrey, their offices responsibilities in transporting those prisoners is minimal.

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This is similar to Calhoun’s agreement with Sac County that was recently terminated. The official contract start date is May 1, but Pingrey says the jail is already being used to house some of Calhoun’s prisoners.

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The supervisors have decided they will review the agreement on an annual basis. They were also presented bids for food services. Five equipment and installation bids were received with the one from TriMark Hockenbergs Equipment and Supply of Des Moines approved at $96,500. Pingrey also presented information about a company that will be in charge of all food preparation, service and cleanup.

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They hire the employees and take care of payroll and benefits, order the food and keep all the records. Pingrey says with an average of 25 to 29 inmates per day, the per-meal cost $4.45 or $13.35 per day. At 10 to 14, the rate goes up to $8.78 per meal. Pingrey adds with housing Calhoun County prisoners, he believes they can stick to that higher number. The company is licensed and bonded and the cooks are certified. Stephanie Hausman asked about comparisons. The current one meal per day that is catered into the jail is at a price of $7 each and hiring to have it done is more cost prohibitive than this plan, according to Pingrey. The month-long menus can accommodate special needs for medical or religious diets. The supervisors will revisit this topic at an upcoming meeting. Photos of the jail construction progress can be found below.


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The first grouping is of the garage level. there are two garage doors facing Main Street and a sally port near the elevators. Doors will be installed to close off the port so a vehicle can pull in, the doors will close, blocking it in, then the prisoner can be taken into the elevator. When not in use, the sally port doors will remain open to allow for ease in exiting the building. Sheriff Pingrey says the deputies will utilize the north parking lot, freeing up space in the garage for employees who will remain parked inside for longer periods of the day.

Jailers will be able to monitor all prisoners from a command center in the center of the cell blocks and holding cells. This space even includes their own restroom. They can not only monitor, but can control the jail from this post. The jail floor is laid out with cell blocks for women and then minimum, medium and high risk prisoners. Each block has its own day room and there is a dormitory space for those coming in to serve a sentence voluntarily, holding cells and shower facilities. There is also a stand-alone kitchen and consultation areas for lawyers and their clients.

The cell blocks and holding areas:

Third floor houses offices, meeting rooms and includes a shower and small area for deputies to stay if needed.