lang="en-US"> Council Approves Street Closure Plans For Chamber-Sponsored Concert Series – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Council Approves Street Closure Plans For Chamber-Sponsored Concert Series

The Carroll Chamber of Commerce is planning a special spring/summer concert series and presented a request to the city council on Monday night for a street closure to accommodate the events. Police Chief, Brad Burke, says there has been a change to the originally proposed dates.

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There has also been a slight adjustment to the area that will be closed for placement of the stage and to allow for crowds in front of it.

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Council member, Jerry Fleshner, asked if the utilization of a portion of the Thomas Plaza parking area will close off any handicap spaces.

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Burke says he doesn’t believe there is any handicap parking on Adams Street in that area. He adds they don’t expect issues at that time of night as there should be plenty of parking along Adams, on the south side of 4th Street, in the unclosed segment of the Thomas Plaza parking lot and on the south side of that lot as well. Another reason the Chamber decided to shift from their original plan of closing a portion of 5th Street is due to a lack of accessibility to electricity. The city will need to install a couple of outlets on the southwest corner of the intersection where there are electrical boxes already in place. The council approved the closures. The Chamber will work with the area businesses on the street closure for those dates. Again, the first performance in the concert series will be held May 27. The remaining Thursday evening events will be held on June 24, July 29, Aug. 26 and Sept. 30. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more details about the planned entertainment in upcoming newscasts.