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Lake City Awarded USDA Grant For Purchase Of New Fire Department Truck

Lake City has been awarded a nearly $50,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the purchase of a new vehicle for the community’s fire department. According to Administrator, Eric Wood, the funds will be used to replace the 1968 Ford truck used to haul water to and from fires.

The department is expecting to spend over $75,000 on the new truck. The USDA grant will cover $46,800 of the anticipated expense with the City of Lake City and the townships the department serves contributing an additional $30,000. City officials are currently accepting bids for the new truck with delivery expected sometime in the next year. Wood says the fire department purchased a new tanker-pumper about 18 months ago, so this should be the last major vehicle expenditure for quite some time.

Lake City has an all-volunteer fire department that serves the community of approximately 1,700 residents and the surrounding area, including the Jackson, Elm Grove, Lake Creek, Logan and Union Townships.

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