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Democratic Manilla Native Announces Run For U.S. Senate Seat Held By Chuck Grassley

A former Crawford County Supervisor, Democrat Dave Muhlbauer of Manilla, announced this (Monday) morning he is making a bid for the U.S. Senate Seat held by Republican, Chuck Grassley. In his video statement, Muhlbauer says he has been a lifelong Iowan and that this grassroots connection to the state and the soil is who he is. “It’s why I’m running for Senate. We have the possibility to make Iowa a leader, through farming and education, infrastructure and health care.,” Muhlbauer says. He wants to be the voice for the working families, farmers and members of the rural community who he says have been left behind by the politicians and polices in Washington, D.C. Through his livelihood as a crop and livestock producer, he has seen the “devastation of rural communities at the hands of policies that cater to corporate interests and profits instead of working people.” During his upcoming tour across the state of Iowa, Muhlbauer will be talking with residents about his ideas for what he calls common sense changes, such as expansion of health care access as well as broadband and fiber optics, combating climate change through sustainable agriculture and raising wages. Dave is the son of the late Dan Muhlbauer, who also served as a Crawford County Supervisor and later as an Iowa State Representative from 2011 through 2014. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more on Muhlbauer’s announcement in upcoming newscasts.