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MRHC Clinic Nurse Receives Recognition For Compassionate Care And Positive Attitude


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Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) has announced one of their nurses is receiving special recognition for her positive attitude, willingness to help and the care and compassion she provides. Roxi Doyel, who has served as Dr. Douglas McLaws’ nurse for the past nine years, has a history of delivering superb nursing care at MRHC and has been selected as a 2021 DAISY Award recipient. “Roxi is a very thoughtful and compassionate nurse who is always going above and beyond for patients,” says clinic manager, Shelby Dickson. “She is willing to help patients in need. She is a wonderful employee who exemplifies positive teamwork in the workplace. She is always jumping in to help her coworkers, doing whatever is needed to get the job done. We are lucky to have Roxi Doyel at MRHC!” Dr. McLaws says he simply could not do what he does without Doyel there to help. “Beside every good provider stands a fantastic nurse,” he says. “Without a doubt, she has a love for all people we have the honor of helping.” The DAISY Award, which stands for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, was founded by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who passed away in 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. His family was so impressed by the compassionate care they and Patrick received, they developed the program as a way to thank these nurses. More than 2,500 health care facilities in 15 countries and 50 states have had nurses receive the special recognition. Doyel was surprised by co-workers and staff with the presentation of the award earlier this month.