lang="en-US"> Landus Cooperative Launches Innovation Center In Ralston – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Landus Cooperative Launches Innovation Center In Ralston

On Wednesday, Landus Cooperative unveiled their newest initiative, called the Innovation Center, which creates unique strategic partnerships and collaboration opportunities between farmer-owners and leaders. According to President and CEO, Matt Carstens, the goal of the center is to drive a more sustainable and profitable future for farming.

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Carstens says the idea originated in conversations with industry leading businesses. This then naturally shifted to brainstorming about ways this could benefit their farmer-owners.

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A portion of the Ralston location has been modified to accommodate the Innovation Center. It features a variety of emerging technologies and “moonshot” ideas that will propel ag into the future.

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Landus has also introduced the first-of-its-kind Innovation Cell, which will bring the best and brightest thought leaders in science, technology and small business in to collaborate with Iowa farmers at the Innovation Center. This, Carstens says, will be the path to pioneering of new ideas. Anyone interested in touring the Innovation Center in Ralston can contact Landus’ Solution Center at 515-800-GROW (4769).