As the two remaining Test Iowa sites in the state, in Des Moines and Davenport, close this week, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) is announcing a transition from drive-through services to self-administered testing. The test kits will be free of charge, made available through a partnership between the IDPH and the State Hygienic Lab. Iowans requesting testing will receive the kit, collect a saliva sample at home and return the kit to the lab by UPS. Their results will be delivered via email in about 24 hours after the lab receives the kit. Beginning this Friday, July 16, the two drive-through sites will close and Iowans will be able to either pick up tests at a site in their community or request they be sent to their home at no cost by logging on to The current Test Iowa website will be updated to provide this information and to facilitate the testing process. There will be approximately 125 pick-up sites registered throughout the state, and details on these will be released yet this week. In Carroll County, home testing kits are available at Carroll County Public Health. For more information call them at 794-5408.