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Iowa Unemployment Rates Rise Slightly, But Trends Are Positive

Iowa Workforce Development is reporting a slight rise in the state’s unemployment rate in June to 4 percent from the 3.9 percent reported in May. The state’s jobless rate was 7.1 percent a year ago. “Despite an increase in the unemployment rate, the overall trends are positive, including the regular increase in the number of Iowans working and looking for work,” says Director, Beth Townsend. “Additionally, the total number of Iowans who are working increased by 3,800 in June. It is a good sign to see more Iowans enter the labor force after leaving federal unemployment programs mid-June. With over 70,000 open jobs, we need everyone we can get to rejoin the workforce to continue our economic recovery.” The largest employment gains were in the food service sector at more than 700 while manufacturing continued an upward trend with 600 new jobs. Trade and transportation gained 600 jobs last month with hiring in both retail and wholesale trade. Financial activities added jobs for the first time since March with 400 new ones in June. Health care and social assistance were the only sectors to see a significant loss, down 1,600 jobs total. These sectors, Townsend reports, have been slow to recover to pre-pandemic levels as firms have adjusted to working with increased social distancing measures.