lang="en-US"> Senator Ernst Says The Price Of Bidenomics Is Not Right – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Senator Ernst Says The Price Of Bidenomics Is Not Right

Iowa Senator, Joni Ernst, brought a couple of props with her to the Senate floor last week to discuss the state of the economy. With a “Price is Right” theme, Ernst told the Senate we can no longer afford Bidenomics and the associated sticker shock. The price of nearly everything is higher than when Biden was in the White House the first time. The cost of consumer goods has risen every month this year and the past year saw the biggest annual increases since 2008. Ernst says, there is a combination of three factors leading away from the right prices.

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While on her 99 county tours of Iowa, Ernst is hearing the same thing. Because of the upside-down economic policies, small businesses are struggling to hire workers and families are paying much more for far less.

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Gas prices are expected to go up even more, which brings added cost to shipping of consumer goods. To demonstrate how much costs are “spinning” out of control. Ernst turned to a wheel of inflation, with each number representing a price increase for a common household product.

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Hotel prices are one of the highest increases, up 17 percent in the past year. She says, no matter how you spin it, we cannot afford any more Bidenomics and all of the prices need to “come on down.” But instead of addressing inflation, Ernst says Democrats are trying to out bid each other over a massive new government spending program they are calling Human Infrastructure.

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The national debt is approaching 30 trillion dollars and when that tab comes due, Ernst says it will be the taxpayers paying it back. The cost of Bidenomics and never-ending spending will come in higher taxes and higher consumer costs and the price for that, she says, isn’t right.