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Carroll County To Gain Nine New Death Investigators

Currently, there are only four licensed death investigators in Carroll County, and Medical Examiner, Dr. Michael Slattery, has requested the Board of Supervisors approve nine new trainees as they are looking at another retirement in the next year or so. Supervisor, Scott Johnson, explains that if they approve the list of nine, the minutes of that approval will go to the state and they will then be licensed and can be utilized on calls. Chair, Gene Meiners reads that list of names.

Johnson says last year there were 40 calls and these investigators are required to stay with the body until it is picked up by the funeral home. He says one of the issues Dr. Slattery has identified with retaining investigators is the rate of pay per call.

The recommendation is to increase the per call rate from that $150 to $200 and then continue to provide annual increases at the same time the rest of the county employees receive theirs. Johnson says the nine candidates have already received training from the state and from Dr. Slattery, who has around 14 years of experience in the role. Supervisor, Stephanie Hausman, points out added benefits these men and women can provide.

Johnson explains how a full slate of investigators helps the Medical Examiner.

The board unanimously approved the full list of candidates and the increase in the per-call pay rate.

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