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Local U.S. Senate Candidate Launches 99-County Tour With Carroll Event

Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, Dave Muhlbauer of Manilla, is kicking-off a 99-county tour with an event in Carroll this week. The fifth-generation farmer, former Vice Chair of the Crawford County Board of Supervisors and Regional President of the Iowa Association of Counties will meet with area constituents at Queen Beans beginning at noon on Friday, July 30. Muhlbauer is running for the seat currently held by Republican Senator, Chuck Grassley, and says he wants to represent the people, not corporate donors. “Our campaign is about the people of Iowa, the farmers, nurses, teachers, firefighters, meat packers and blue-collar workers who put food on our tables, care for us and keep us safe,” says Muhlbauer. “These are the folks who have been left behind by career politicians and big dollar special interest, DC donors.” Since launching his grassroots campaign in May, Muhlbauer says he has been hearing from residents that they are tired of the status quo. “So, we’re taking our message to folks in every corner of Iowa, folks who are feeling the pinch of a suffering rural economy, school consolidation and decreased funding, loss of family farms and our failed healthcare system. We’re up against candidates funded by the very corporations who are responsible for sucking the life out of rural communities across the state,” he says. After the Carroll County kick-off, Muhlbauer will be traveling to Webster, Story, Jasper, Lee and Polk Counties.

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