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Manilla Candidate For U.S. Senate Seat Says He Wants Iowans To Tell Him About Their Concerns

A Manilla farmer is using his spare time to hit the road and campaign for the U.S. Senate seat that has been held for four decades by Republican, Chuck Grassley. Democratic candidate, Dave Muhlbauer, has been a Crawford County Supervisor and Regional President of the Iowa State Association of Counties and says political service has been a part of his life as far back as he can remember.

Muhlbauer says he is also doing this for his children who are in 5th, 6th and 7th grades. He says he and his wife, Linda, want to do their part now to help ensure their generation has as many opportunities as possible right here in Iowa. He is also hoping to help bridge the gap between local and federal government and in partisan politics.

Other Iowa Democrats, Abby Finkenauer and Glenn Hurst, have announced they too are running for this seat. Muhlbauer says he welcomes the competition and talks about what makes him stand out from the pack.

And while he is out campaigning for this position, Muhlbauer says he is not only looking to introduce himself to the Iowa residents, he is looking to have them introduce themselves to him as well. While he makes the rounds on a 99-county tour, he wants the people he meets to tell him more about themselves and the issues that impact their lives.

He urges everyone to follow the link to his website where they can watch his campaign launch video to learn more him and his family. There is also an email address on the website for constituents to reach out and ask questions. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more from Muhlbauer on his platform and the issues impacting Iowans and Americans in an upcoming newscast.


Link to Muhlbauer’s website: https://www.muhlbauerforiowa.com/

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