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Audubon Students, Families And Teachers Ready To Roll Into 2021-22 School Year

According to Audubon Community School District Superintendent, Eric Trager, the 2021-22 year will be a noticeable return to pre-pandemic education for Wheeler students, families and staff. While a few coronavirus mitigation measures will remain in place, he says they will be getting back to the business of normal education.

The Iowa Department of Education requires districts to review and update their Return to Learn plans every six months, and the Audubon school board will formally approve theirs during the Aug. 16 board meeting. The full document will be made available on the district’s website once it has been approved. Last year, voters passed a $7.5 million bond referendum for much needed improvements to the middle and high school building. However, bids came in much higher than anticipated, so major work was not started during the break while school officials went back to the drawing board.

The work will now be completed in three stages. The first begins in May 2022 and into that summer with phase two and three the following school year. Another substantial change for Audubon families is the transition to free meals for students through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Seamless Summer Option Meal Program.

The district has hired nine new staff members for this year, seven of which are teachers, and they report for orientation on Monday Aug. 16. All other staff returns Aug. 17. The first day of class for students is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 23. To stay in touch with the Audubon Community School District’s events and announcements, visit their page at www.audubon.k12.ia.us.

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