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Rural Fire Departments Can Apply For Grants To Aid In Fighting Wildfires

Applications are now being accepted for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forestry-Fire Program’s Wildfire Assistance Grants. The money is available to Iowa’s rural fire departments to help with battling wildfires and assists with the purchase of suppression equipment, slide-in units, hoses, nozzles, adapters, portable tanks and pumps, personal protective equipment and communications equipment. In addition, if a department has a need not identified that can be tied to wildfire suppression, the grant allows for a special request. The grants will provide 50 percent reimbursement of approved expenditures up to $3,500 per department. Applications are due by Oct.15. Contact details for those in need of more information and a link to the application packet can be found below.


More information, contact Gail Kantak


          Phone: 515-689-0083

Applications and Wildland Fire Report forms: