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DMACC Adds Eight New Transfer Majors And Two More Areas Of Study

Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) has announced 10 new programs have received approval from the Iowa Department of Education. These include eight new transfer majors in communication, engineering, English, exercise science and kinesiology, history, human and family services, journalism and political science. The other two new programs are for an acting certificate and a surgical technology associate’s degree. According to DMACC Curriculum Commission Chair, Dr. Rebecca DeHart, these approved programs will create new pathways and opportunities for students. “This will also allow DMACC students to complete the first two years of their major while at DMACC and then easily transfer to a college or university to obtain a four-year bachelor’s degree.” Each transfer major’s participating institution will be listed in the DMACC catalog. According to Vice President of Academic Affairs, MD Isley, there are distinct advantages to starting a course of study at DMACC. “DMACC offers free tutoring, smaller class sizes, easy access to professors as well as other academic advantages and resources that allow DMACC graduates to be more successful and have a more fulfilling experience at the university level,” says Isley. In addition, the tuition and fees are the lowest of any other college or university in the state. This announcement brings the overall total of transfer majors at DMACC to 19. More information can be found by logging on to