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10 Squared Women of Guthrie County Have Donated Over $200,000 With Latest Contribution

The 102 Women of Guthrie County are pleased to announce they have donated over $200,000 to local groups and organizations following their latest quarterly contribution. Earlier this week, the non-profit group presented a $10,500 check to the Guthrie Center Christmas Lights project to purchase additional pedestals and poles for the installation of Christmas decorations during the holiday season. The funds will also be used to replace the bulbs used to light the paths in Mitchell Park and purchase at least one new display to join the many Guthrie County groups that participate in the effort every year. Including their most recent donation, the 102 Women of Guthrie County have donated $207,500 since their formation in 2017. The group currently consists of 95 members that contribute at least $100 every quarter to benefit a local organization or effort. Previous recipients include New Opportunities, the Little Panther Daycare and Preschool, the Guthrie County Backpack Program and the Bayard Public Library. They are continually looking to expand their membership to benefit the communities in which they live and work. For more information about joining the 102 Women of Guthrie County, visit their Facebook page or email 10squaredgc@gmail.com. A full list of their previous contributions can be found included with this story on our website.


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