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Stepping Stones Transitional Living Celebrates Five Years Of Success Stories

A program with a philosophy of assisting with reintegration back into the community by those experiencing hardships has celebrated its fifth anniversary. WESCO Industries’ Stepping Stones Transitional Living program in the former rectory of St. Ann’s Church in Vail has been immensely successful in reaching their goals and providing more than 114 individuals coming out of prison, homelessness or from a hospital stay with attaining independence. “Living at Stepping Stones gave me my life back,” says one former resident. “It helped to show my family that I was serious about my recovery and helped me to believe that I could.” One man came to Stepping Stones with nothing but the clothes on his back and blood sugar levels that were out of control. Staff worked with him on the proper way to eat and taught him how to take care of his blood sugars to the point he was no longer dependent on insulin. He is now working full time, living in a home with roommates and recently purchased his dream truck. “Stepping Stones offers an excellent opportunity for individuals to build the foundation they need to succeed as they transition into the next step of their recovery journey,” says Carla Long, a direct support provider. She says she has witnessed so many success stories and feels blessed to play a part in them. The program is funded by the Rolling Hills Mental Health Region, but despite those many successes, their future is uncertain as state funding may be shifted by the Iowa Legislature. They are encouraging the public to support this service by reaching out to their state representative. People can also help by donating to the various drives for clothing and basic necessities WESCO holds throughout the year. More information can be found at