lang="en-US"> Carroll Council Approves Design Services For Sanitary Sewer Extension East Of City Limits – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll Council Approves Design Services For Sanitary Sewer Extension East Of City Limits

The Carroll City Council recently approved a professional services agreement for project development of extending city sewer to a property east of Pella along U.S. Highway 30. Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel, explains the project.

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He says they received two proposals, one from JEO Consulting Group, Inc. and one from McClure Engineering Company. Both firms have Carroll offices and are well qualified. Krauel says they were asked to submit their proposals in two parts, basic services and additional services.

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Krauel reports there was just a slight edge from JEO Consulting in their experience and approach with like projects, so that was the proposal presented to council members.

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The JEO proposal outlines a schedule that has survey work beginning this month with bidding and negotiations by the end of the year. Construction would be anticipated in April of 2022. The council voted to approve the professional services agreement for design fees with two, Mike Kots and Misty Boes, voting against. Both had previously voiced concerns about using taxpayer dollars to extend the sewer into places where it may not be wanted or needed for years to come.