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IKM-Manning School Board Approves Placement Of PPEL And Revenue Purpose Statement On Nov. 2 Ballot

Following the Sept. 14 failed vote on a $19.95 million bond referendum to address facility needs at the Irwin and Manning locations of the IKM-Manning Community School District, leadership gathered to discuss implementation of possible options. The board has approved the placement of a Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) and a Revenue Purpose Statement on the Nov. 2 ballot. “While a majority of voters supported the district and board’s plan to address our needs on Sept. 14, the measure did not receive enough support to exceed the 60 percent approval required by state law,” says Sam Hansen, Board President. “The fact remains that our schools have a number of safety and facility needs that we must address soon. Through this proposed voted PPEL and Revenue Purpose Statement, we look to provide the district with the resources it needs to address some of the most urgent needs.” The PPEL generates voter-approved funds for infrastructure and equipment repairs, purchases and improvements. The PPEL is anticipated to have a property tax rate impact of $1.24 per year on every $1,000 of taxable property value and on ag land it would range from $1.42 to $1.70 per acre, depending on the property’s location. The Revenue Purpose Statement allows a district to use the statewide one-penny sales tax dollars through the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) program. This is not a tax increase, rather the statement simply changes how the district can utilize the funds. These would then be earmarked for construction projects. The district and board will be releasing more information on these proposals in the near future.

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