The Iowa Insurance Division is reminding residents that the open enrollment period for 2022 Affordable Care Act (ACA) health coverage is approaching—running from Monday, Nov. 1 through Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022. “Iowans need to be thinking about health insurance coverage for 2022 now,” says Iowa Insurance Commissioner, Doug Ommen. “Employers are also offering choices, but for Iowans looking to the individual market, the time to enroll is coming very soon.” Previews of sample premium amounts for individual ACA-compliant health insurance plans for each of Iowa’s seven rating areas can be seen by following the links included below. These will become official once they get posted to during open enrollment. “As the ACA’s open enrollment season begins, Iowans considering individual plans should talk with a licensed insurance agent to thoroughly research all coverage options to determine the best plan for themselves and their families,” Ommen says. For coverage to begin Jan. 1, 2022, enrollment must be completed between Nov. 1 and Dec. 15. For coverage to begin Feb. 1, 2022, enrollment will need to be done from Dec. 16 through Jan. 15.
Link to regions:
Link to sample premiums: