The majority of time at Monday’s Carroll County Board of Supervisor meeting will relate to the Nov. 2 city/school elections. The supervisors will be canvassing the unofficial vote totals and certifying the election at that meeting. Other items on the agenda include an update and an equipment purchase review for the Secondary Roads Department as well as resolutions amending an agreement with Workforce Development and an amendment to a 28E Iowa Land Records agreement. They will also discuss an appointment to the Compensation Board, bring back a discussion on fixed asset software and authorize the Chair, Gene Meiners, to sign opioid settlement associated documents. The supervisors will convene at 9 a.m. Monday in the lower-level conference room at the Carroll County Courthouse. The public is invited to attend in person or by logging on to the supervisor’s YouTube channel, a link to which is included with this story on our website.
Link to Carroll County Supervisor YouTube Channel: