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Iowa Soybean Association Seeks Nominations For Annual Awards

The Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) is seeking nominations for eight leadership awards. Nominations can be submitted on the ISA website through Tuesday, Nov. 9. A committee comprised of ISA farmer leaders and staff will review all nominees and recipients will be recognized at the annual banquet. “Many people are driven to deliver for Iowa soybean farmers,” says ISA President, Robb Ewoldt of Davenport. “It remains critical to recognize these meaningful contributions and celebrate an industry that continues to be a positive force for our state and country.” The eight nomination areas include: Legacy of Leadership for a member advancing the association goals and demonstrating a passion for growing the industry; the Rising Star for a high school senior or college student who actively promotes Iowa agriculture with plans to remain in the industry; New Leader is a member who has deepened their involvement with the association and in the industry; the Environmental Leader is a member improving on-farm environmental performance and leadership; the Innovator in Production Research is an individual, organization or company showing outstanding leadership in use of precision agriculture and research; the Friend of the Iowa Soybean Farmer is an elected leader or ISA partner who has a deep understanding of issues facing producers; the Policy Champion recognizes an ISA farmer and advocate member working to advance policy and regulatory issues benefitting the industry; and the Advocate for Iowa Agriculture is a member, individual, organization or company that effectively and accurately shares the story of modern agriculture. Nominations can be completed through the link included below.

