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City Of Manning Seeks Resident Feedback In Annual Survey

The Manning City Council has begun identifying and setting priorities for the 2022-2023 fiscal year and wants the residents to weigh in on what they feel is most important. They are conducting a survey allowing citizens to answer questions about those items as well as providing feedback on how the city is doing. There is the ability to rate the various city departments, such as Fire, Police, Library, Rec Center, etc. They can also rate the importance of things such as business recruitment and retention, rehabilitation and down payment assistance programs, the razing of dilapidated buildings, the building of spec homes, tax rates and more. There is an area allowing for the ranking of project ideas that have already been submitted and some feedback on the library project as well as a segment on television watching habits. The survey for Manning residents can be accessed by following the link included below.


Link to Manning survey: https://survey.sogosurvey.com/survey1.aspx?k=RQsRSXTQTsQsPsPsP&lang=0

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