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Lake View Teen Recognized For His Dedication To Black Hawk Lake

A Lake View teen was honored during last month’s City of Lake View Progress as Promised meeting for his outstanding dedication to Black Hawk Lake. Fifteen-year-old Tate Lahr was named the 2021 Friend of the Lake by city officials, the Black Hawk Lake Protective Association and Lake View Community Club. Lahr is a true outdoorsman, spending as much time as he can hunting or fishing. At just 12 years old, Lahr created the Reel Fun Fishing Tournament and has hosted it every year since. Administrator, Scott Peterson, says many community leaders determined his commitment could not go any longer without some form of recognition.

The fishing tournament brings in a few thousand dollars every year, and Lahr donates all of the proceeds straight back to the Black Hawk Lake Protective Association. Lahr says he knew something was up when he was invited to Progress as Promised, but he had no idea that he was to be recognized in this way.

Lahr has been fishing for as long as he has been able to hold a rod. He says the improvements to the lake that he has seen over the last fifteen years serve as his motivation to run the tournament and keep that trend continuing.

Lahr is already preparing for the 2022 Reel Fun Fishing Tournament, which is scheduled for the first weekend in June. He says it takes a lot of time and effort, but it is worth every minute. Lahr plans to keep organizing the event for as long as he can and help other young people develop a love for the outdoors.

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