lang="en-US"> Carroll Supervisors Regretfully Accept Long-Term Employee Resignation And Conduct Second Canvassing Of Election – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll Supervisors Regretfully Accept Long-Term Employee Resignation And Conduct Second Canvassing Of Election

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors on Monday conducted a second-tier canvass of the Nov. 2 city/school election and regretfully accepted the resignation of a long-term employee with the Auditor’s Office. Auditor, Kourtney Payer, explains the need for the second election canvassing.

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She then relayed the total numbers that were reported on Nov. 2.

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This was an uncontested race with all three candidates taking open seats on the Glidden-Ralston school board. Chair, Gene Meiners, also announced the retirement and receipt of a formal letter of resignation for a dedicated Auditor’s Office employee who has served the county for more than three decades.

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Payer and Supervisor, Rich Ruggles, say Martin and her wealth of knowledge will be greatly missed.

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The board regretfully accepted Martin’s resignation and wished her well in her retirement. Martin is currently on vacation and there are plans in the works to hold a special event to honor her near the end of this month.