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West Central Iowa Solid Waste Thrilled With Public’s Response To Its Battery Recycling Program

West Central Solid Waste Education Coordinator, Karen Monical, says they are thrilled with the response so far to their expanded battery collection program. In July, the commission began offering alternative disposal boxes at various locations throughout Carroll and added drop-off sites in several area communities in September. According to Monical, residents have taken advantage of these convenient spots.

Rechargeable batteries are found in many of the electronic devices we use every day and are one of the leading causes of landfill fires. They are often crushed by heavy machinery and their contents react with each other and the surrounding environment by generating heat. She says many people do not realize how many rechargeable batteries they might be throwing into the trash.

The Carroll County Landfill has reported a half-dozen landfill fires this year alone, which is a significant increase compared to previous years. Fortunately, it has been several months since the latest fire, and staff credits the battery collection program for this positive trend. However, Monical says there is always room for improvement, and she encourages people who may be throwing out their old phones, tablets and other electronic devices this holiday season do so in a responsible way. For more information on what batteries are recyclable or to find a disposal site near you, visit www.westcentralsolidwaste.com.

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