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Newly Elected Mayor And Council Members Sworn In And Fire Department Officers Approved At Carroll Council Meeting

Carroll’s new Mayor, Mark Beardmore, and the three new council members, Tom Bordenaro for Ward One, Kyle Bauer for Ward Three and JJ Schreck, who is serving in an At-Large position, were all sworn it at Monday’s Carroll Council meeting. Judge Gina Badding with the Iowa Court of Appeals led the members in taking the oath of office prior to their official start dates in January. One of the first orders of business for the current council included the approval of 2022 officer appointments for the Carroll Fire Department. This was conducted as part of the consent agenda, which detailed the results of the election held at the department’s regular business meeting on Monday, Dec. 6. Greg Schreck will remain as Fire Chief with Dan Hannasch serving as Assistant Chief. There are two Captains, two Lieutenants and one Training Officer: Jeff Cullen, Josh Hamilton, Brad Warnke, B.J. Schreck and Austin Goetzinger respectively.