Although many Carroll residents have voiced disappointment with the current city leadership about the plans to renovate the Rec Center, there was only one citizen comment at a public hearing on Monday night. The council was presented with the plans, specifications, form of contract and cost estimates from RDG Planning and Design. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver reviewed the scop of the project first.
Pogge-Weaver then presented the cost estimates, which show the project currently over budget.
However, there is a portion of one line item that will likely soon be credited back, reducing the overall cost.
When the council opened the hearing for comments, Jean Ludwig asked about the locker room renovation plans and the loss of showers.
Although there will be fewer showers in the women’s locker room, there is the addition of two family spaces that could be utilized for those attending classes. It will also include completion of delayed maintenance and HVAC system, which is original to the building, and it will address some plumbing issues in the men’s locker room. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the council unanimously approved the plans, specifications, form of contract and cost estimates. The project is currently out for bid with a pre-bid meeting scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 6, bid opening on Tuesday, Feb. 1 and council consideration planned for a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, Feb. 14 or Monday, Feb. 28.