Twenty-Eight Years Of Exceptional Care Are Behind The Most Recent DAISY Award At St. Anthony
Photo (l to r): Scott Ellis, SARH Vice President of Patient Services; Deb Adams, ARNP; Infection Prevention RN, Bailee Schleisman; and Lori Pietig, St. Anthony Cancer Services Director. Pietig and Schleisman are SARH’s DAISY Award coordinators.
SMCH Wound Care Clinic Receives Award Of Excellence
Photo (l to r): Stewart Memorial Community Hospital Wound Care Clinic staff Kendra Tiefenthaler, Mark Mogensen, and Jamie Bartling The Wound Care Clinic at Stewart Memorial Community Hospital (SMCH) in Lake City has received the RestorixHealth
Kuemper Student Receives Senator Grassley’s Nomination For U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
A Kuemper student has received U.S. Senator Grassley’s nomination for admittance to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy for the 2022/2023 school year. Shea Parkis of Carroll is one of 33 nominations Grassley recently made for all armed
City Of Carroll Adopts New, User-Friendly Agenda Building Software
Residents of Carroll may have noticed a new format when they log on to the city’s website to view upcoming or previous city council agendas and informational packets. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says they began testing new