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SMCH Celebrates End Of $31 Million Renovation And Expansion Project’s First Phase

Pictured (L-R): Beth Stauter, Joyce Schleisman, Cindy Carstens, Jo Grodahl, Chuck Schmitt, Marcie Boerner, Jo Lundberg, Kelly Spaulding, Norma Avila, Kelly Linquist, Dwight Dial, Casey Wetter, Vicki Roby, Dawn Dial, Ethan Dial, Brendan Dial, Jim Henkenius, Jesse Underwood, Ann Lengeling, and Jeff Gardner.

Staff and foundation members from the Stewart Memorial Community Hospital (SMCH) hosted a ribbon cutting last week to celebrate the end of the first phase of their $31 million expansion and renovation project. The ceremony was held in the hospital’s cafeteria in memory of Jane Dial, a longtime nutrition services department employee who lost her battle with cancer in 2013. Her husband, Dwight, made a generous donation to SMCH in memory of his wife and led staff and foundation board members during the ribbon cutting. The project, which broke ground in fall of 2020, modernizes and expands the emergency/trauma, cardiac, respiratory, rehabilitation and business departments. Construction is expected to finish around the middle of 2023.