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Eight Local Water Systems Recognized By CDC For Water Fluoridation Practices

Eight local community water systems have been recognized by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for their commitment to maintaining a consistent level of fluoride in drinking water throughout 2020. Community water fluoridation is considered one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century by the CDC. Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Dental Director, Dr. Bob Russell, says, “It is exciting to have 94 Iowa water systems recognized on a national level for their commitment to oral health. I congratulate all of the community water systems for their efforts to provide safe, dependable drinking water to our communities—including helping to prevent cavities using water fluoridation.” Local systems selected for the 2020 Water Fluoridation Quality Award include: Audubon Water Supply, Casey Water Supply, Denison Water Supply, Glidden Water Supply, Guthrie Center Municipal Water Works, Jefferson Water Department, Scranton Water System and the Boyer and Nishnabotna branches of the West Central Iowa Rural Water Association. For more information on your community’s fluoridation practices, follow the link included below.
Click HERE for CDC Water Fluoridation Tracker