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DMACC’s Carroll Campus We Include Speaker Series Wednesday Puts Focus On Women’s Corrections

The WE INCLUDE speaker series from Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) continues this week at their Carroll campus. On Wednesday, two speakers, Dr. Jennie Doke-Kerns and Erica Spiller, will present on the history of women’s corrections in Iowa. Doke-Kerns is DMACC’s Justice Impacted Communities and Academic Services Director. Spiller serves as DMACC’s Assistant Director of Student Development and is the author of “Iowa Women’s Corrections: A History.” The pair will present from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the James and Marjorie Knott Commons Area on DMACC’S campus in Carroll with focus on ways to support individuals reentering society through educational opportunities. A light lunch will be offered during the event. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the free seminar.