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The Iowa High School Athletic Association Announced Carroll Will Host State Baseball Again

The Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) announced today (Monday) that historic Merchants Park will be the host for the class 1A and 2A state baseball tournaments again. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says Carroll has a long history with IHSAA.

Pogge-Weaver also states this is a huge win for are local economy.

The state baseball tournament will be in Carroll through 2024. Pogge-Weaver says he hopes this will be an ongoing relationship.

Last year 6,235 people came to watch state baseball, and they are expecting more this year. Pogge-Weaver adds they will be looking for volunteers in an assortment of different areas.

If the IHSAA renews the contract with Carroll past 2024 improvements to Merchants Park could be coming. Pogge-Weaver says they are talking with the athletic association about the potential advancement of Merchants Park.

This summers state baseball tournament will be held July 18 through the 22.

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