Pictured (L-R)–District 12 Rep., Brian Best, and Chamber Legislative Committee Member, Rick Hunsaker.
District 12 Representative, Brian Best, says rural schools are paying the price when dealing with legislation designed to curb decisions made by urban school districts. According to Best, the Iowa Legislature is becoming more involved in the day-to-day activities of the state’s public schools, but not by choice. He cites a proposed bill that would require schools to post the contents of their library online for parents to review.
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One constituent questioned where Best stood regarding a bill that would bar schools from mandating masks or vaccines. Best says this is just another example of the legislature trying to respond to the actions of a few urban districts that often blatantly disregard state government.
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He adds he is not sure quite yet if he would support such a heavy-handed approach from state government. According to Best, a ban on schools requiring vaccinations could become a public health issue if that line of thought is applied to other immunizations.
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According to Best, rural schools are rarely the root cause behind policy changes at the statehouse. Unfortunately, they seem to be impacted the most when the legislature decides it is time for the government to get involved. Best made his comments during Saturday’s Carroll Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forum at the Breda American Legion. District 6 Senator, Craig Williams, was unable to attend due to personal reasons. Other topics discussed include switching to permanent Daylight Saving Time, rural community vitality, workforce shortages, and more. Full audio from Saturday’s forum can be found below.
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