lang="en-US"> State Trooper Presence Will Be Up In April With It Being Distracted Driving Month – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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State Trooper Presence Will Be Up In April With It Being Distracted Driving Month

April is distracted driving month, and the Iowa State Patrol is educating individuals on what distractions are. State Trooper, Shelby McCreedy, says that some extra troopers will be on the roadway looking for violations. She adds that the fines for distracted driving will not go up. McCreedy outlines that April also serves as raising awareness as well.

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McCreedy says there are three types of distractions and details what those are.

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She says that cell phones play into all three because you are looking and holding your phone, which makes it dangerous, but there are far more dangers than just cell phones.

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Currently, 48 states have cell phone laws, including Iowa, but McCreedy adds that Iowa is not a hands-free state. There is legislation in Des Moines making Iowa a hands-free state.