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Volunteer And Century Club Appreciation Picnic Coming Up Next Week At Kuemper High School

Kuemper Catholic Schools is hosting a volunteer and Century Club appreciation picnic next week at the high school. The event is from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. The picnic is free, and individuals who are in Century Club, Parents Club, Booster Club, Eternal Knights, and more are invited. Individuals who helped with athletic events, such as ticket takers, timers, scorekeepers, and more, are invited. Kuemper Catholic thanks everyone for everything they do for Kuemper.
Kuemper Volunteer and Century Club Appreciation Picnic:
Century Club members and volunteers; Parents’ Club; Booster Club; Eternal Knights; Phon-A-Thon; Scrip volunteers and businesses; Kuemper Ball Volunteers; Alumni Office Volunteers; Kuemper School Board; Foundation Board volunteers; all Kuemper Committee Volunteers; adults who have helped with athletic events (ticket takers, timers, scorekeepers, etc.); chaperones & contest workers for band & chorus, speech, fall play, spring musical, Mock Trial, any adults assisting with any of the school activities