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JEO Internship Program Provides Carroll City Council Path For No-Cost Designs On Proposed Sidewalk Project In SW Carroll

The Carroll City Council approved a professional services agreement during their meeting Monday night to complete design work for proposed sidewalk improvements near the Pleasant Ridge and Timberline neighborhoods at no cost to taxpayers. Public Works Director, Randy Krauel, says city staff was approached last week by JEO Consulting about the potential of participating in the firm’s internship design program.

The council narrowly approved the allocation of up to $15,000 to pay for such an agreement at their April 25 meeting. The project includes adding about 2,500 feet of sidewalk along Timberline, Hidden Valley, and Pleasant Ridge Roads to address perceived safety concerns for pedestrians in that area of town. Ward 3 Councilman, Kyle Bauer, who was absent from the April meeting, notes there is some resistance from residents who the project would impact, so he was initially opposed to spending taxpayer funds on designs that may not come to fruition. He and At-Large Councilman LaVern Dirkx favored the no-cost option, particularly if JEO could split the final proposal into segments.

The council voted unanimously to approve the professional services agreement with JEO Consulting. The council stresses this is only for the design and bid preparation work, not final approval for new sidewalks. Plans will be reviewed by a licensed engineer and should be returned to the city for review by the end of the summer. Depending on contractor availability and council approval, the project could be completed this fall.

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