lang="en-US"> 2022 Cyclone Tailgate Tour Kicked Off In Carroll – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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2022 Cyclone Tailgate Tour Kicked Off In Carroll

The annual Cyclone Tailgate Tour kicked off today (Monday) in Carroll at the Carrolton Center. After two years of virtual tours due to the pandemic, Iowa State University coaches and administrators were back on the road. The tour is a two-week state-wide event, and cyclone fans had the chance to meet Head Football Coach Matt Campbell, Head Men’s Basketball Coach T.J. Otzelberger, and the voice of the cyclone’s John Walters. The doors opened at noon, and the program started shortly after 12:30 p.m. Walters opened the event by saying he wanted to take everyone for coming out and supporting cyclone athletics and a special thank you to the cyclone club members.

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At the event, fans had the opportunity to purchase Iowa State merchandise. The spirit squad was selling t-shirts for this upcoming football season. Walters adds the t-shirt sales help out the squad.

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Fans had the opportunity to ask coaches in attendance questions. The questions ranged from Name Image and Likeness deals to if the coaches have competitions with each other every year. Head Volleyball Coach Christy Johnson-Lynch describes the culture between the coaches.

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Individuals wanting to sign up for Cyclone Club or wanting to learn more information can visit