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MRHC Promotes Health Summer Habits With Interactive BINGO Cards

Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) is promoting summer fitness and safety with the introduction of an interactive BINGO game to challenge families to get out and get active. MRHC CEO Linn Block says, “Maintaining and promoting families’ health remains a consistent focus here at MRHC. Summer is a great time to incorporate wellness and healthy activities into your family plans. Please join us for some summer fun and the chance to win some awesome prizes! We want to be your family’s center of wellness, as well as be there for you during times of illness.” BINGO cards will be available at MRHC’s booth during Kinderfest next weekend in Manning or at the hospital’s admission desk. Some activities include building a fort, doing yard work as a family, picking up trash in the neighborhood, and much more. Participants are limited to one BINGO card per person and must be returned to MRHC by Aug. 15 to redeem prizes.

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