lang="en-US"> CCSD Board Of Education Has Addressed Teacher Complaints – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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CCSD Board Of Education Has Addressed Teacher Complaints

The Carroll Community School District (CCSD) Board of Education is putting the investigation into teacher complaints on pause. The board issued a statement at their Monday night meeting saying they have looked over Superintendent Dr. Casey Berlau’s findings following complaints when teachers and stakeholders approached the board during their April meeting. Board President, Cindy Johnson read the statement.

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The board did decide to take action during their meeting.

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Berlau had 20 recommendations following the investigation, and the board will pause two of them and review them again a year from now. The ones being paused have to do with the TLC oversight committee, and state, “A stand-alone TLC oversight committee will be added back into the district’s plan. Open positions, including the oversight committee positions, will be posted and filled according to the process spelled out in the TLC plan that was approved by the board ad submitted to the state. Johnson explains the reasoning behind the board’s decision.

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All 20 of Berlau’s recommendations can be found included with this story on our website, along with full audio from this potion of the meeting. The CCSD Board of Education will convene next on August 1.


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