lang="en-US"> SCC Invites Community To Emotional Resilience Program In Lake City Tonight – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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SCC Invites Community To Emotional Resilience Program In Lake City Tonight

South Central Calhoun (SCC) parents, students, and stakeholders are invited to a free community event at the high school in Lake City tonight (Thursday) for a presentation from an award-winning educator on student resiliency. Dr. Brooks Gibbs will be speaking in the high school auditorium from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. with discussions on how to build emotional strength in kids and teach them how to solve disputes. Superintendent Brad Anderson says they are excited to bring in an expert in the field to expand on existing programs in the district.

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A key aspect of Dr. Gibbs’s program is helping students understand the main reasons behind negative behaviors and how to respond to them. Anderson says this is a central theme for staff heading into the new school year. Still, it takes the whole community’s involvement to affect culture.

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Anderson says their mission at SCC is not only to educate and prepare good students; but also good citizens.

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Again, the free presentation from Dr. Brooks Gibbs will be held tonight (Thursday) at the Lake City High School Auditorium from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Everybody is invited and encouraged to attend. Door prizes will be awarded to participants who arrive prior to the presentation.