lang="en-US"> The Sac City Council Is Looking To Do Some Crack Sealing Projects – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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The Sac City Council Is Looking To Do Some Crack Sealing Projects

On Tuesday, the Sac City Council considered the authorization of funds for crack sealing on roads in town. City Administrator Jamie Lawrence says they use this sealing to protect the concrete roads.

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Lawrence says the council authorized the city’s engineer to put out a bid speck, and then they will put the project out for bid. Lawrence adds he hopes the project will get started sometime this fall. The sealing will take place in different parts of Sac City.

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He says it is unclear how much the project will cost, but the council is looking at somewhere around $80,000.

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Lawrence says he hopes they can have the bids for the project opened sometime in September. The next Sac City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, at the Sac City Municipal Building.