The Carroll County Board of Supervisors has moved their regularly scheduled weekly meeting back a day due to the Labor Day holiday. Instead, the board will convene on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 9 a.m. in the courthouse meeting room. The agenda, which was released Friday, is relatively short, beginning with a report from County Engineer Zac Andersen on secondary roads, including utility permits, a proposed bridge replacement project, and discussions on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator position within the county. The supervisors will also review and consider approval of an agreement for the county’s substance abuse prevention services program and manure management annual updates. The board closes with reports from the supervisors concerning their respective committees. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the Tuesday, Sept. 6 meeting. It will also be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel. The full agenda and a link to that video can found included below.