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“Stuff The Bus” For Community Of Concern Back At Carroll Hy-Vee On Saturday

The Stuff the Bus drive supporting the Community of Concern Food Pantry has become a staple of the holiday season here in Carroll. The well-known Western Iowa Transit vehicle will be back in the Hy-Vee parking lot this weekend. Luanne Kustra started Stuff the Bus with her daughter, Katie, 17 years ago, and it is an event the whole community has supported ever since.

The white and green bus, generously provided by Region XII Council of Governments, will be parked outside of Hy-Vee from 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26. Kustra says shoppers can simply pick up a few items during their regular grocery shopping and drop them off on the bus after checking out.

Kustra adds that there will also be prepackaged bags that shoppers can purchase as donations.

Community of Concern is an “as needed” food pantry, meaning they assist households regardless of income. The Community of Concern helps more than 2,800 adults and children from approximately 800 families in the Carroll area annually. Learn more at www.commofconcern.com.

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